Club “Felimur” is the oldest cat fancier’s organization in Latvia.
It was founded in 1986. As a first cat club in the performed
Soviet Union. At the beginning there were 5 breeds – European Shorthair,
Maine Coon and Turkish Angora breeds. Only Persians had full pedigries and were
importered from Czech Republic and Germany.
The first Cat Show were held on 3rd
May 1987 in the Club of Autotransport Workers ( now it is the Culture Center
“Vernisage”). In this Show participated 32 cats, two of them – from Moscow.
Visitors waited 4 hours before coming in the Show hall. The following years the
Club made contacts with different cat breeders abroad, international
organizations, more and more mebers united to the club.
In 1992. The club became
the fullyqualified member of WCF. There are 3 sections in the club: for
Longhairs, Shorthairs and Semilonghairs cat breeders. The club organizes 3
International Cat Shows and few National Shows per year. The club members
exibited their cats abroad with great success. The club units more than 200
members. There are some international cat judges in the club, who judge cats in
Latvia and abroad.
The Cat Club “Felimur”
is working every Tuesday from
17.00 – 20.00
Daugavgrivas 6, Riga
Everybody is welcome!